Name: Faengsel Owner: It’s current owner is Kittiana Youngblood and it can be used by those untainted by darkness or evil [It can still be used by those who are tainted or evil but a protective glove is needed] Creator: Jaya Almis
Type: Angelic Longsword Ammo: N/A Rarity: Angel blades are generally exceedingly rare but this particular blade is technically unique because as of yet there have been no other swords that have the exact same qualities as this one.
Strengths The enchanted blade was made in the angel forges so it is naturally harmful to those of evil. It is capable of conjuring holy fire and has a special enchantment. This special enchantment allows the owner to imprison souls inside the blade should the blade be used to kill someone and the owner of the sword speaks the phrase that triggers the blade to suck the soul into the prison.
Weaknesses The amount of souls or the strength of the souls capable of being imprisoned in the blade depends on the strength of the enchantment. If you wanted to imprison a few human souls the enchantment need not be overwhelmingly strong but if you wanted to imprison say a celestial it would need to be exceptionally strong. Once a soul is imprisoned the sword can not use the soul's power, only contain it as it is meant to be a prison. This also serves to prevent a soul from corrupting the blade from the inside. A soul can be freed if the sword is broken, willingly released by the sword’s owner, or the soul forces its way out.
This sword was made by Jaya Almis per request of her mother Kittiana Youngblood and Kittiana helped in its production by supplying Jaya with various angelic texts focused around weapon making and enchanting. Kittiana wanted it to be made for the purpose of using it against the Celestial Seh’Makou should he ever weaponize her family’s grimoire against them and to protect her daughter from him.
Side Note: A warning to those of non-magical blood that may try and wield the sword, it has great power and is quite flammable. It is unlikely that, without magical aid, a human be able to wield it for long and survive.