Strengths -Strength, The armor has a high ressistance against energy based weapons and ballistics due to the fact it is mostly made out of Cykx plexiglass. -Sniper cloak, With the armor being made for snipers but also being commonly used by assaulters, it boasts a very primitive cloaking device that lets the clothing take on the color of it's surroundings making the user much harder to spot. -Loose sitting, the armor is quite easy to wear and allows for a great amount of freedom of movement.
Weaknesses -Cykx plexiglass, the suit is mostly made out of cykx plexiglass wich means that arcane attacks can simply phase through the armor and do full damage. -Meelee, the suit has many openings that may be difficult to hit with guns or laser weapons but are easy to target when using meelee weapons, forcing the users to keep their distance from an enemy.
Description Although the cykx have never really seen combat they do posses some very high quality armor and weapons. The cykx battle armor is another example of their expansive arsenal that they would have used in their cancelled conquest. Despite all that, they are a common threat within immortal ranks.