While on here I noticed every faction has their own kind of rank system for their co-writers/faction members or even some are undecided which makes everything confusing. I came up this idea to have a permanent Faction Ranking System. This means everyone in a faction from the leader to the last person who joined has a specific rank for each person.
Faction Rank System:
- Warlord - 50 Post's concerning the faction.
- Officer - 40 Post's concerning the faction.
- Leader - 30 Post's concerning the faction.
- Council - 20 Post's concerning the faction.
- Soldier - 10 Post's concerning the faction.
- Initiate - 0 Post's concerning the faction.
The following above is from bottom to top in ranking with the bottom one being the 1st rank you get and the top one being the highest rank you can get possible, this system would be used for all factions. It's a much easier and more effective way to have one clear and obvious ranking system then just every leader of its own faction making up their own. This process can only be good for the factions all around the galaxy. The following below is a descriptive analysis explaining each rank and what they're responsibilities are. Warlord: Highest possible rank achievable. This rank allows you to moderate & change options within the faction. You are allowed to make events concerning the faction. Also allowed permission to demote and promote lower ranks below you. Being a Warlord is not an easy job, you have to be active, show leader ship skills, set rules and help others in the faction. The only rank allowed to cause faction invasions/combat with other factions. Can promote lower ranks up to Warlord. Another faction needs your approval via post if you are wanting to sign a peace treaty or want to join forces. Can completely take off a member of the faction if need be. (Doesn't need approval) Within the faction events you make, you can have quest items that are available to get. Example: Star Dust, Rare Document, Gold Egg, Etc. Is allowed to permanently ban a faction member, no matter the rank. Another thing, you MUST be there for whenever you have meetings or huge gatherings involving other factions. These items can be traded in to the Warlord for Faction Post Boosting also know as XP. Finally, you get to update the rules for the faction daily and change the ranking system if really need be. (Optional) Doesn't have to join in on quests/events for the faction. (Optional)
Officer: 2nd Highest possible rank achievable. This rank allows you to promote and demote lower ranks below you. Can promote lower ranks up to Officer. Being a Officer, you have to be active, show leader ship skills and help others in the faction. This rank also allows you to adjust rules and make sure everyone is abiding by them. MUST be there for any meetings or huge gatherings involving other factions. Can completely take off a member of the faction if need be. You are allowed to make events concerning the faction. However, cannot give faction items within those events/quests unless prompted by Warlord or gave permission to. Can post suggestions for faction items and rules within the faction. Can join in on the quests/events for the faction if wanted to.
Leader: 3rd highest possible rank achievable. This rank allows you to promote and demote lower ranks below you. Can promote lower ranks up to Leader. Being a Leader, you have to be active, show leader ship skills and help others in the faction. You must make sure everyone is following the faction rules. MUST be present for any meetings or huge gatherings involving other factions. Can also post a thread/topic or contact the higher ranks to take someone completely off the faction member list. (Needs approval) Also can contact higher ranks to change the rules if need be. Can join in on the quests/events for the faction if wanted to.
Council: 4th highest possible rank achievable. Being a council member, you have to be active, show faction and role playing skills and help others in the faction. You must make sure everyone is following the faction rules. Doesn't have to be present for the faction meetings or huge gatherings involving other factions and yours. Can also post a thread/topic or contact the higher ranks to take someone completely off the faction member list. (Needs approval) Can suggest higher ranks to change the rules in need be. Can suggest lower ranks to be banned removed from the faction. (Needs Approval)
Can join in on the quests/events for the faction if wanted to.
Soldier: 5th highest possible rank achievable. Being a soldier you should be active, show faction and role playing skills and help others in the faction. Be on your best behavior following the rules. Can post a thread/topic or contact higher ranks that you're not getting along with someone else in the faction. Can join in on the quests/events for the faction if wanted to.
Initiate: Lowest possible rank achievable. This rank is usually for the new recruits/members who are brand new to the faction. Being a Initiate, you should be active, show faction and role playing skills and help others in the faction. Can't promote others at all, can ONLY be demoted. Be on your best behavior following all the rules. Can join in on the quests/events for the faction if wanted to.
Faction Items & Post Boosts: Mythical Scroll - 6 Post Boost
Golden Egg - 5 Post Boost
Rare Document - 4 Post Boosts
Star Dust - 3 Post Boosts
King Crown - 2 Post Boost
(Faction Items can be/will be updated)
Note: Faction Ranking System, Faction Items and Post Boosts are ideas that can change the way Factions evolve. Each idea on here comes together to make one. They all resemble a key component to the main idea here. All of these ideas can VARY. Meaning that the Ranking System and Faction Items can be modified and changed personally by the Warlord. This gives the factions their own type of unique and interesting rules and ways they work things to make everyone in the faction equally happy. If you have any issues with these ideas please do post a reply stating the issue. I will reply back as soon as possible and try to make this work out within the rules of Convergence RP. Thank you for your time.