Name: Karlene
Species: Human
Age: 17 1/2
Faction: Alliance Of The Kings
Alignment: Good
She excels in making friends, cooking food and spreading peace and happiness.
She has weaknesses just like every other human, but hers is her curse.
It makes her feel like she should hurt someone from her own faction.
Her mind.
She has no powers at all, only basic fighting was learned.
Do they have supernatural powers? If not, describe what they excel in naturally.
Karlene doesn't have supernatural powers at all, she is a normal human.
Karlene is from the faction, Alliance Of The Kings, she's the blood relative of a mechanic there. She's lived there her whole life, from birth to now so she's never really seen the outside of the planet. Karlene as of now is happy with her life, even though she's cursed she doesn't dwell on that very much. In fact, it hardly ever bothers her but when it does effect her, it's a tense and harsh headache she gets then following murderous thoughts after that. Of course, she doesn't follow through with them because she's pure of heart but she still does get those deep down feelings to do so.
Karlene originated from Rogue, The Endless Battle, who plays a good character that is love with a vampire killer.