IT was now over 51 years from that day and I had felt as if it had been a century. I was now a 3 star General of the Marines of Scelfor I and I had never forgotten that day. In total that day we lost over 4.3 million civilians. We had killed over 10,000 of their troops and we in return had lost over 5,420 men. I write this journal entry now remembering all of the men we lost that day. I write this as I sit down after my first sons birthday party. We named him Farris. This war has brought nothing but horror for the people of Scelfor I but I cannot imagine the horror that the people of Scelfor II and III are experiencing. I hope that the crew of The Valkyrie can find someway to resolve this before I pass. There is not much of the war left and to be truthful everyone wants it over. The Engineering Core has created a weapon that I fear will kill more than it will do good. It was introduced at the last meeting of the council and technology has reached a level that can ruin planets. It is called the E.D.S. Otherwise known as the Electrical Disruption Wave. It has been tested on the military testing facility Osiris and the site was down for around 2 minutes. IT has enough power to take out a 15 mile radius which in size is comparable to the majority of one of our larger cities. The way the scientists put it was for 15 miles anything that has electricity running through it will be disrupted. Its going to be launched in 3 months on the leading military base on Scelfor II. I'm scared for the civilians that live around it but I hope that it will bring an end to this long war. I have been giving full operational control of the EDS being sent and I don't know if I'm going to press the button to send it all. If anyone reads this in the future I hope they know I do this to help our planets stop warring. I have no other choice.
Signing out,
General Jake Wilkins of the Scelfor I Marines.