As stated in the title the Serpentum Imperium is recruiting.
Accepting races and characters of all walks of life....Even pardoning former criminals of past crimes to allow them to redeem their false actions.
Groups within the Imperium recruiting:
Serpentum Legion-{Zodarrin Levy}: Fight alongside the legion in wars of domination and control as an member of the Zodarrin Levy,this group is aimed at military player-characters wishing to gain glory in the Imperium as soldiers.
Serpentum Armada-{Zodarrin Fleet}: Secure Imperial Space as an member of the Zodarrin fleet,this group is aimed at naval player characters hoping to rp in an fleet.
Order of Ivteus: An order of "knights" dedicated to upholding justice
in the galaxy.They follow an warrior's code and may act without the authority of the Imperial Court and even act against it should it conflict with their code.Their role as peacekeepers in the Imperium is well known.
The Association of Collection and Exploration: Join the A.C.E and explore the galaxy,collecting artifacts and information.This group is aimed at scientific/explorer characters.
Vigil Magika: The Imperium's magic police dedicated to regulating magic users in the Imperium's citizenry with force if necessary. {Might develop as the Imperium either accepts magic or shuns it entirely}
{and more}
Pm on the site or on Discord me if you want to join the Imperium but not be part of any of it's groups if it does not suit your characters.
Otherwise join in the thread I will provide soon {within this week} where you can be recruited IC.
Join today and take part in shaping the future of the Serpentum Imperium.
Future plans....
Faction threads for development including:
- Discover the secrets of the Imperium and it's founder race the Varanus.
- Play your hand in dangerous political intrigue in the Imperial Court.
- Recover ancient and highly advanced technologies from an lost age.
- Fight an power struggle between hostile forces in the Church of the Five.
- Discover the real reason the Varanus struggle to cast magic
- Stop an disillusioned assassin from starting an war between the various populations in the Empire.
- And much more....
Please pm me for any questions or refer to my faction in the faction halls for information.*
*Information in the faction hall might change without warning.