Name: BW-500
Homeplanet: Anthir laboratories
Sentience: Sentient
-Disease control, the primary ability of plague masters is to control the smallest of life forms responsible for diseases and manipulate them, allowing them to cause whatever diseases or symptoms they want. this includes viral or contagious diseases through wich they may unintentionally infect other people too...
-Symptom infliction, if a disease has been inflicted, the plague master can control it's evolution and add more symptoms, and over a long period of time lethal ones can be added as well.
-Affliction infliction, their ability is not limited to mere diseases however, plague masters can also inflict more lethal afflictions such as cancer and even mental afflictions, though uncurable diseases will fade over time if it has been inflicted by a plague master.
-Disorder infliction, the plaguemasters can also inflict disorders, total insanity being the worst, though these are only a temporary effect.
-Lifespan, along with the syiin illith, plague masters are the only race known to dracholmian science that have an immortal lifespan.
-Lethality, if a plague master does not have it's ability under control, they may infect or even kill many people they never wanted to hurt, wich is why they were delibiratly given sun elven genes so that they may have more time to learn about their powers.
-Ignorance, a plague master can only inflict a disease they know of, and not just be aware of, they need extensive knowledge over the disease and symptom before they are able to control it.
-mediocrity, other than their ability to control diseases, the plague masters do not posses any other ability whatsoever.
-Mechanical dependency, Plague masters cast and control their diseases with the use of robotic augmentations, if these get damaged to the point where they are no longer operational, the disease can no longer be controlled
-lack of defense, as would need to be mentioned, the plague masters do not have a ressistance against diseases meaning that if they are incapable of controlling the disease, they are just as likely to fall to it.
-range, the plague masters can only use their abilities in medium to long range, in close range enemies may disrupt their concentration and ruin the process
-fade, most of the disorders and some diseases fade over time if the plaguemaster cannot reinsert the disease.
the plague masters are a biologically engineered race of half elves, borrowing genes heavily from the syiin and chai illith (sun and wood elves) and overal humans. Though despite being mainly made out of humans and elves in terms of mortality and strengths they are also greatly consisting of machinery, these machines let them control the bacteria, virus', funguy, parasites, prions and even bio weapons or nano virus' or litterally anything else that causes a disease or symptom they understand and control. Generally they are hard to distinguish from other elves as only elves can have the same bright eyes as plague masters. The only real way to recognize a plague master is when a human with no pointy ears has lit up robotic eyes.
The immortals have had many attempts to make super soldiers, but the latest plague master has been their most dangerous one as it has the ability to control a disease, these men and women can inflict diseases from the pettiest cold to the most lethal of cancers to the arcane inflicted diseases and even the blightfull undead necroa diseases, if they have an example of the pathogen to work with, they can inflict it...