Name: Walter Hargreave
Species: Hallow
Age: Unknown even to himself
Faction: N/A
Alignment: Lawful Good
StrengthsSkilled warrior,strong sense of compassion,cautious mind
Amnesiac and cannot remember his past,loner and struggles to socialize with others
Rose-Steel greatsword and Horseman's pick,reinforced wooden crossbow with steel bolts,steel dagger.
Healing hands:Can heal light to medium wounds
Cleansing Light:Can channel light magic into his greatsword causing it to burn through those weak to it.
Walter remembers waking upon Prometheus as an hallow inside what was once a vibrant shopping mall,stripped to nothing but the torn fragments of the clothing he once wore he set out into the wastelands of Prometheus where he was met by a few knights who hailed him as a champion,what followed was Walter being taught by these knights on how to survive...Eventually he himself became a knight dubbed as Sir Walter Hargreave.But slowly as the years pass with the end of the Avine/Mavire wars Walter lost himself and wandered the planet helping those in need before disappearing again.Most regarded him as dead or being a myth.... Whatever the case might be it is clear the knight does not want to be found unless he stumbles upon those in need.
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