Upon the sand-filled terrain of Orgrisk there stood a small structured camp built for once purpose; council. Large scraps of red cloth provided as canopies against the harsh sun, allowing a rough metal table to sit sheltered from the heat. So too would the people be protected, as slowly they began to arrive at the summit of the mountain. First were the natives of Orgrisk, the Goblins and Orcs. Together these green and brown skinned creatures took the head of the table, represented by their chosen leaders. For the Orcs this was Akkran Bloodrock, whilst for the Goblins it was Mezlin Gundalock.
Soon enough a group of shambling humanoids, came into view, almost rushing to find shade in the camp. At their head was King Estan, leader of the Undead remnant. Last but not last arrived the Ogres from Eskore, making it apparent why the canopy had been set so high. Tall, lumbering figures stepped to the table, eyeing up their smaller counterparts.
Akkran cleared his throat, demanding the attention of all gathered. For a second he glanced to his side to see his niece, Ira Ironfang, giving her an astute nod before turning back to the council.
"Today, my friends," He began. "We earn back the glory the crusade took from us."