*NOTE: I'll try to get a picture soon
Name: Khalari
Homeplanet: Thetrhon
Sentience: Sentient
The Khalari are a very innovative race that can improvise a solution to almost anything with minimal supplies. They are expert engineers, architects, mathematicians, and scientists. But they are family. And some might argue that is where their true strength lies. You anger a Khalari village, you anger the town. You anger the town, you anger the city. You anger the city, you anger the country. You anger the country, and you've gone and made the whole civilization your enemy. Fortunately, the Khalari do not easily get angered.
The Khalari are a very peaceful civilization. It's not to say they don't have weapons, nor is it to say they don't like weapons. They just don't use weapons much in the matters of battle. There are still manufacturers, and most own a weapon, but there has been no reason to use them for quite the while. They lack military strength.
You want variety, I've got variety for ya! (Just saying that makes me feel kinda like a god running a business venture. Lol.) The Khalari come in all colors, literally. There are blue Khalari, red Khalari, pink Khalari, etc... They usually max out at 6'2, and the average height is 5'11. They are physically strong due to gravity and are humanoid. They are mostly skinny.(I know, I know. Realistically, the chance of humanoids evolving in the universe like us is slim, But still, it isn't impossible!). Now, forward! Onto their physical appearance!
The Khalari are a race with scales which act as natural armor. They have the same general physiological appearance as Humans, except for two small holes at the base of their neck which serve as a natural atmospheric adapter. They can survive in almost any atmosphere. Though they are strong, they are still agile. They do grow hair.
The Khalari have quite a diverse culture, though religion was discarded altogether when they discovered the universe around them. Many Khalari enjoy tinkering with computers and electronics, though the next most enjoyed job is cooking. The Khalari are family, and if you are their friend, you are the friend of all of them. They are very open-minded and enjoy new discoveries.
The history of the Khalari is summarized in the post describing their home planet, here: