Name: Derra II Habitable: Derra II is habitable, there is a city on Derra that has only a few people with acces to space craft, the Black Rose Bounty Hunters are the only company to have access to spacecraft though it's not too advanced technology Terrain: Earth like but very limited tropical regions. Size: Medium sized planet Population: 65% Human 25% Animal like creatures 10% Other Location: Any Development Thread: N/A
Technology: Some technology such as vehicles, but there are some spacecraft on the planet just not enough to make a space faring faction running, And there is some speculation that it was the GSU History: There is some vague history on Derra II but the actual history was wiped in a disaster so most of the history is just speculation for the most part. Such as the way that the technologies on Derra II were received. Description: The government on Derra II is a democracy that was implemented by some believe the GSU but some speculate otherwise. The planet itself is like a huge pine forest having a surplus of sub-arctic regions and having only a few deserts and tropical regions here and there. The highest temperature recorded on Derra II is about 84 degrees fahrenheit.