Corporation Name: The Association of Collection and Exploration/A.C.E for short.
Headquarters: Farnin A.C.E offices.
Locations: Farnin A.C.E offices,New Serpentum Xeno-museum.
Operations: The A.C.E collects ancient relics and artifacts for preservation and study.They provide an open source of information kept safe within their archives with an small amount of this information distributed through networks accessible by anyone.
Besides their primary operation of collecting and preserving knowledge,relics and even some species the A.C.E offers advanced scanning technology,research,production of several exploration ship designs and even offers medical services to all clients.
Tier: 2
An collective of explorers,scientests and even mages who hope to undertake projects and research without the political mishmash of factions and governments.
The A.C.E performs extensive excavations in ancient ruins across the galaxy,recovering ancient relics for study and preservation selling copies of valued relics and text some to private collectors at steep prices while keeping the originals safe unless an collector is part of their "whitelisted" clients only then can an collector have access to the original product.
Many ancient and exotic texts are kept safe and studied by their lorekeepers with some available for public viewing depending on the content of the text.
The A.C.E has it's own security group and hires out mercs and private security companies to bolster the defense of their research and excavation sites.Many like minded people join the A.C.E to complete their research with the resources and aid the A.C.E provides,among other things the Association also have charity projects aimed at educating and uplifting less fortunate worlds and colonies.
The A.C.E was founded by an prominent Varanus noble dissatisfied with how much the state-owned Serpentum Exploration guild has changed,it shifted from being an organization dedicated to exploring new worlds now it was focused on helping the military search for the lost frigates instead of "exploring" the new galaxy the Imperium found themselves in.
With the approval of the Emperor and the integration of Farnin into the Imperium the noble founded the A.C.E alongside an bright collection of like-minded scientests and explorers.Creating an new exploration guild as an independent company owned by an partnership of it's founders and shaped by the bright minds who work within.