OVERVEIW: Cabrion is the second planet that the Atrata Federation had colonized. This planet became the mining capital of the Federation. Cabrion was the main source for Titanium and Carbon hence its name. This planet was soon colonized by the Federation to get more materials for more technology. Soon Several mining cities where set up on Cabrion. The problem with this planet however, was food. since most of Cabrion's floral was toxic to humans there had to be supply runs from Asmelia to Cabrion. That is why Cabrion wasn't exactly on Asmelia's level in terms of infrastructure when it was first colonized. Another contributing factor to the lack in advanced infrastructure on Cabrion was that the development was always delayed for the wait for food. But soon enough the people on Asmelia introduced edible organisms onto Cabrion. Surprisingly the new, more edible animals thrived extremely well while also minimizing ecosystem disaster.
TECHNOLOGY: The technology on Cabrion was simalar to Asmelia's. Only difference is there was a lot more mining equipment in use then on Asmelia. Somewhat new technology was also made such as the Aqua HEPS which helped miners get to veins of ores that were submerged and the Mining HEPS which was a new type of HEPS that wasn't built for combat and therefore was made of steel instead of Tungsten, Titanium, and Carbon which made them cheaper to build.