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 In the shadow of elves

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Level 40

The pirate queen

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In the shadow of elves Empty
In the shadow of elves Empty#1PostSubject: In the shadow of elves   In the shadow of elves EmptyThu Apr 27, 2017 7:42 pm


Name: Mershor Keyrie
Species: Half elf. human/elf
Age: 23
Faction: Mercenary status, currently serving the inquisitory reich
Alignment: Lawfull evil



-Agility, Mershor like many elves has the ability to move quite fast and is hard to keep out of buildings.
-Acuracy, Mershor is a good shot wich he will use to his advantage by fighting over long range.
-Cloaking, Mershor owns a primitive cloaking device wich he can use to become invisible for several seconds, however upon taking damage, bumping into someone or being targetted with a flashlight will drop the cloak.

-Endurance, Mershor again much like many other elves is very susceptible to damage and can easily be killed upon getting hit.
-Sociopath, Mershor is uncapable of showing mercy or remorse for his actions.
-Criminal past, due to his violent past. Mershor is wanted by law by several Factions.


-Dual pistols, it matters very little what kind of pistols. Mershor will always wield two pistols.
-Fusion driver, Mershor apreciates long range combat and has stolen from the immortals before. With that being the first succesfull petty crime against the immortals.


Mershor has had a long history with elves. Normally he was hired by them to kill key orcish key targets. After the immortals came by to resolve the war he had less work over time until eventually running out of money. After a long time he managed to convince an immortal soldier to help him and take him up into space where he could expand his work, hunting elves.



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